Aug 24, 2010 20:22
Am alternately exhausted and massively caffeine buzzed, so anything incoherent in this post is totally my own fault. Anyway, I wanted to offer an apology to not responding to the latest posts for Mysterious Ways and the rest of my LJ and for not posting the MW epilogue - it shouldn't take me a month and a half to post a page and a half story closer. But I do apologize, chances are it won't be posted at least until the beginning of September - I've got until Sept. 6th to finish a rough draft of my master's thesis, and that has to take precedence. The thing doesn't have to be finished according to school requirements, especially if it's a novel length story, but the bloody stubborn writer in me wants to finish up putting that blasted fifteen page outline into complete form on paper. 89 pages later I'm only at pg 9 of the outline. *headdesk* Hence the caffeine and exhaustion to get this thing finished and in the mail by the 6th.
See what I mean about the inchoerence and babbling? Anyway, I'm still here, just gone slightly round the twist...whee. Feel free to leave something just as incomprehensible back. :)
Okay, back to writing...