Feb 10, 2001 12:44
I Know, no one understands when I start to mention things of magic and the what not. but i think that it is time for all them that read this to know, I understand the GAME. Now some might think that I am crazy and that I have no need to mention this some may just think I am off my rocker, but I dont care. i have had alot of time where no one understood what I had to say but when it happened a light sparked in them and they got it. Now i go on again on one of my rants about this GAME.
Think if you will all stadigy lovers of you favorite game. Now give that game no real confinment except your mind. The moves that you make are your dissions, the pieces you hold on to or draw from are you mind, and the end determines weather you live or die. Now put you favorite game and place it on a wooded slab about the same size as your hand. Anything you want from the slab becomes real. Now your opponent or you gaming partner plays with you, one must live the other must die, cause although they are different games they are the same game deep within. if you use you mind good enoughf than the game goes on for ever but there is always a winner cause one cant think fast enough or one get to tired to continue than the game is won by the one left standing, and the other dies.
This game excist and it is back to being played again in this world. Some will see it better as the new hit game YUGIOH, except with more slabs then one. The deck is you r mind and the life points your life, you play to win cause if you do you gain alot more then just living. You gain a life force and knowledge. This game was stopped from being played some how and now it back and more dangerious in dreams and out in life. Cause now the GAME can be played forever here on earth on wrong move and you will die, and everyone is you opponent friend or foe. But in spirt it is play just like it used to be and soon will return here to the phsyical world to be played again. to some I hope you have fun while it last as just a game cause when it returns it more than a game and you might have to play to save you vary life.
To those who do not believe me I wish you luck, to them that are skeptical, I have played this game and each time have felt its power and you will too, to others take this as a sign and be ready cause this will be the most dangious game ever once again. The GAME OF LIFE IS SO MUCH MORE THIS TIME.