Aug 22, 2007 11:58
With the school year starting, I don't want parents wondering into this journal. I would never use a child's name or put up confidential information, but I don't want parents/school adminstration/other faculty/etc stumbling on to personal information about myself. I've had this journal for over 5 years and there are a lot of entries on things I'm proud of and a lot of entries about things I'm not proud of. 5 years is a long time in terms of maturing and growing as a person. I feel that this journal reflects that(good and bad) and stil want to keep it around.
I've decided to just go ahead and make everything private. I'm going to weed through my list of friends to get rid of abandonded journals, people who aren't involved in my life, journal friends, etc. I also plan on going back and making *EVERY* entry private. Thank goodness I can just pay $3 for the month, get a paid account and with the click of a button it's all private. It's just easier this way and it's something I've been thinking about for the last few months. Plus, it'll stop people from reading things about themselves that I happen to write. Truth be told, 9 times out of 10, I dont think the people I write about will read these entries. I forget that real life friends do read this on occasion(even when I'm convinced that they don't)and the things I write in the heat of the moment(or sometimes on purpose) come back to bite me in the ass. I figure if the people who are my friends offline who read this online and want to know what is going on with me, they can pick up the phone, drop me an email or leave a message on aim. I'm always around in some form or another.
Over and out.