|25| And one by one they drop like flies~ [Filtered to the Silvana]

Mar 14, 2009 11:34

Oh dear. You mean to tell me we're flying without a head mechanic at the moment? Doesn't that strike anyone else as a little dangerous? The Silvana's engine is still quite experimental, or so I've been told. Very temperamental...and oh so dangerous as two of our fellows have already learned.

[Filtered to all except the Captain, First Mate and Quatermasters | Difficult to hack]

I heard the Captain and Highwind had quite an impressive argument before we left. Apparently Highwind submitted a report claiming we have ghosts in our engine. Captain Rowe called him a superstitious fool, although considering the trouble we've had down there it makes me wonder if he knows something that the rest of us don't.

In any case, it might be best to stay on the Captain's good side. It seems Amicus put him an even worse mood than usual, and I'd hate to see anyone else losing their jobs~♥


[Filtered to Cirucci and visible to Aizen and Luppi | Unhackable]

Oh Cirucci-dear~! I've found your first task. I think we'd better start you off with a lesson in subtlery, hm? You don't get to try the fun jobs like Luppi-chan until you've proven yourself a little.


i'm just too good, aizen-sama, arrancar minions, a little too friendly, ghosts in the engine, implicating someone else, villianous deeds, heard it on the grapevine, annoying the engineers, delegation is the key to success

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