|20| Because we have more in common than you think. [Filtered to Aragaki | Unhackable]

Jan 20, 2009 13:29


I hope this missive reaches you quickly, sir, as we have an emergency on our hands that requires your immediate attention. Yesterday there was in incident involving the page you requested we take with the troop, and as a result we lost one of our scouting teams in what appears to be some sort of magical accident.

The team was scouting a low-risk area for water and shelter when they evidently were set upon by a small group of bandits. We are unable to ascertain the circumstances as Ichimaru appears to be in shock after the incident and refuses to speak, but we can assume that he was either surprised or threatened enough to tap into the latent magical power you once told me he possessed. It seems that both the bandits and my men were wiped out more or less simultaneously, with no time to react. The total death toll of the incident is sixteen.

We found the boy approximately half an hour later when the scouting group failed to report in, covered in blood and unresponsive, but uninjured as far as we can tell. I’ve sent my second, Sousuke, to try and calm him down, but am uncertain as to what kind of consequences will occur from this unexpected magical development.

In any case, if you don’t wish the boy to be apprehended upon our return we’d best find some way of covering for the incident. Obviously the loss of control was unintentional, but the backlash killed ten of my men and neither that nor his apparent abilities will be judged fairly in any court. If you wish to keep the boy as your ward and have him reach his full potential we will have to reach some kind of accord with the field general.

Please send your advice as soon as possible.

gin can haz backstory?, guess my motives, playmate aragaki, but is it fake?, aizen-sama, fishing for sympathy, killed you dead

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