[Filtered to the Silvana minus the Captain, First Mate and Quatermasters]
Our irreprehensible first mate has charged me with the very important task of constructing a fail-safe questionnaire that all new members of the crew must submit to - weeding out the dumb ones before they weed themselves out, if you understand my meaning. To that end I have compiled a short list of simple yes or no questions, but I'm not sure if I've covered all the bases. Do look them over and let me know!
(Circle all answers as appropriate)
1) Are you capable of answering a yes or no question? YES / NO
I believe this one will disqualify the incredibly stupid ones.
2) Do you understand basic ship wide safety precautions, such as demonstrating extra care around dangerous equipment? YES / NO
If only we had thought to ask this question before the tragedy...
3) Are you able to listen to important instructions from senior staff members, including officers, medical personnel and senior shipmen? YES / NO
Obedience is the backbone of every crew!
4) Are you capable of following all commands of your superior officers without compromising the chain of command due to your own petty moral dilemmas? YES / NO
Happens more often than you'd think.
5) Do you meet the industry standardised minimum height requirement (4'6") for operation of airship equipment? YES / NO
Come to think of it, Hitsugaya, doesn't this disqualify you from your current position?
6) Do you have a history of substance abuse or dependence that might somehow impede your responsibility to the ship? (Smoking counts) YES / NO
Such a question speaks volumes about a person's true character, wouldn't you say?
7) Do you have an allergy or peculiar sensitivity that might lessen your effectiveness in the course of duty? YES / NO
Our Doctors really should be the first to know about this kind of thing.
8) Would you require a second witness to authenticate your age when attending crew events of an adult nature? YES / NO
Some of you do look rather young, after all.
9) Do you have a debilitating health condition that might endanger the crew by putting you out of commission during a crisis situation? YES / NO
Not that I'd name names, or anything of the sort...
10) Are you struggling with an innate power or ability that might prove harmful to your fellow crewmates? YES / NO
Always good to know these things sooner rather than later.
What do you think? Any helpful suggestions? I wouldn't want to miss anything obvious.