|34| The gifts of success! [Voice | Filtered to the Silvana | Unhackable]

May 25, 2009 09:33

Well that was a wonderful little detour, but isn't it nice to be all back together? Incidentally, I have souvenirs~♥ Sara-chan, I hope you didn't think I forgot about your birthday. I know you said you didn't want anything, but little Emily's dress was looking just a bit worn around the seams and I thought she might like a new one. Don't worry, I'm quite sure it'll fit. I'm quite good a judging a girl's sizes with just my eyes.

John, I owe you my gratitude for taking care of our post during my absence. I have a little something for you that's probably best given in person. Naturally, since you've been taking all our shifts I'll be happy to return the favour for the next few days. I imagine you'd appreciate a short break, hm?

And Toph-chan, I got you the friend you always wanted. I'll leave it outside your door, hm? Try not to step on it.

Now I believe someone promised me Persimmon cookies~

[Filtered to Alex | Unhackable]

Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate on the mission, Captain. It was quite a unique challenge. I haven't had one of those in a while. I'll be happy to be of service to you again.

[Filtered to Bangladesh and Madarame | Unhackable]

So was it as dull for you as it was for me?

[Filtered to Kira | Unhackable]

Izuru, I think you and I need to have a word about your performance.


[OOC: You got a pet rock, Toph. Gin drew a little foxy smile on it, not that she'll be able to tell. It's actually a stone taken from a mana-crystal vein so it does have small traces of magic in it. He's curious to see if she'll take him up on his suggestion. Also, Rangiku, you were deliberately snubbed in the gifts department. He's pretending to forget you on purpose.]

actually working for a change, guess my motives, come get ur bribes, nice guy gin, a little too friendly, twofaced? absolutely, making minions love me

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