[Voice | 99% Locked from Riful]

Sep 04, 2010 23:04

I want our new friend. Anyone see Thomas I think y'can encourage him to show himself right back to the hospital.

All Watch members not already assigned spread out through the outlying districts of the city and check for him. If he puts up a fight you're more than free to return the favor. I don't think I need to say it, but grab a partner before you go; nobody should be alone. I don't care who you are.

As for the rest of you in the city what you do is up to you, but I'm telling you right now our guest is armed and he ain't stupid. So let's not have anybody else get themselves killed, hunh?

[99% Lock to Russia]
A girl named Kaname should be coming over. Blue hair, around [insert however tall Kaname is I don't know |D]. Watch out for her, alright? That includes not letting that sister of yours stab her when her back's turned.

Dunno when I'll be back, but you're in charge till I do. Countin' on you to stay alive, hunh?

[99% Lock to Hospital Staff (including Washu)]
Sephiroth thinks what's goin' around might be Atropos. We got anythin' on this thing?

!plot: thomas knowlton, !plot, discedo, ic

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