Feb 20, 2005 15:41
I miss live journal to tell you the truth. All the drama that we disclose in a website that doesnt ecsacpe here unless it be a stern stare of death or a stab behind the back of "Omg have you read lj yet?!" like it's a magizine published for everyone to see.But truthfully I don't know what we all try to prove or let out. Sometimes a love letter or even a hate letter to some one we really truthfully love. Or to share a day of happiness all clouded over with fakeness and feelings being destroyed and dismantled. Or even to share a story of love with that signifigant other to brag although not meaning to hurt anyone.And that doesn't even have to be a signfigant other.Maybe just a group of friends hanging out and some one sitting home alone reading your entry saying man i was i was there...I know weve all had that feeling.Although we seem to let our feelings out on LJ it makes one think..."why here why not in person or in a private journal where no one can see and get hurt." I leave you with this...
We all live on the same rock....why can't we just get along?