Mar 05, 2004 09:34
*First real memory of something: um...i don't know i have a ton!!
*First Best Friend: hmm Jen Haydt
*First real kiss: haha um...can i pass this question?? it was in 6th grade and thats all i am telling
*First screen name: ALYN11 and it's still the same
*First self purchased album: um...i don't really buy CDs but i had to get a karaoke CD for the pageant
*First pets: Dandelion my kitty :(
*First piercing/tattoo: ears in like 3rd grade
*First credit card: it will be mine soon!!! I can't wait mommy said this year :)
*First enemy: Jennifer Morris
*First big trip: Canada
*First play/musical/performance: those plays in elementary school
*First musician you remember hearing in your house: i am a musician
*Last cigarette: Never i am a singer
*Last big car ride: van ride to deland yesterday for the match
*Last kiss: hmmm just an hour ago
*Last good cry: last night
*Last library book checked out: a long time ago
*Last movie seen: Dr. Dolittle
*Last beverage drank: capri sun
*Last food consumed: a cookie
*Last crush: Matt <3
*Last phone call made: to matt
*Last TV show watched: american idol
*Last time showered: this morn
*Last shoes worn: brown sandels
*Last item bought: cookie
*Last ice cream eaten: like 3 days ago
*Last shirt worn: an express tee
*Last time you were hurt: mentally: hmmm i am an emotional mess prob yesterday when we lost the tennis match
physically: my knee is most def torn :( :( :( OUCH!!