My Chemical Romance: Mikey/Gerard

Aug 28, 2005 14:37

Title: Everybody Scream, Everybody Scream
Rating: PG
Summary: Year: 1993, Mikey is the innocent age of 12 and Gerard the almost innocent age of 16. 1993 marked the year of glory for Tim Burton fans everywhere, the Nightmare Before Christmas made it’s debut, soon to become the trademark of artistic and trendy kids alike.
Disclaimer: This didn’t happen.

Everybody Scream, Everybody Scream


Title: Little Can of Sunshine
Rating: PG-13 to R
Summary: AU.  “The internet is a dangerous place, Mikey.  You never know what could be hiding in it,”   Mikey is 16 years old, Gerard is 27.  Mikey meets Gerard over the internet.  Though his feelings towards the older man are uneasy, Mikey finds that he is intrigued by him, and shoves all bad feelings about Gerard to the back of his mind. 
Disclaimer: This didn’t happen.

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5

Title: I Hate Kids
Rating: PG-13
Summary: AU. Told from the view of Mikey and Gerard’s mom, who’s a single mother. (She doesn’t hate her kids, don’t worry.) What happens when she finds out that Mikey and Gerard have had a secret relationship for years?
Disclaimer: This didn’t happen.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
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