Jan 11, 2010 19:47
i had a pretty good first day of the semester. my first class was statistics. my professor is a fat old balding man. who kinda reminds me of a cretin. and it was an exceedingly boring class. then i took a three hour break. sucks.
my next class was analytical chemistry. and my professor is dr. kasem kasem. he's egyptian and his accent is thick, but i can mostly understand him. there are three other dudes in my class. that's it. really. i'm the only girl and there's only four students. wtf. dr. kasem told me i should drop psych and take his lab. so i did. i'll take it next year. and anyways i saved $100 on a used book cause there was no book for his lab.
and since i'm not taking psych i don't have to stay in kokomo until 7pm. woo.
cara's leaving me. and its not going to be real until i'm having a meltdown and no one will be there to tell me its going to be okay.
i'm trying to be myself 100%. but its hard to when i'm being held back.