Continuation of the Volchok AU, for werewolf_hacker

Jan 15, 2011 20:47

Eventually, Kati recovers enough strength to be a little more with-it and capable of tracking. She's still doped to the rafters on pain medication -- her leg is in too many pieces for that to be anything less than a necessity. And she's still easily exhausted, as her body funnels all available energy and resources into repairing what it can, regaining some ground. But she can string a sentence together, hold up a conversation, make decisions, and follow a detailed discussion of her care and her injuries.

All things considered? That isn't precisely a mercy, because the details of her injuries -- a damaged spine, mangled muscles in her back and thigh, shattered hip, shattered femur, fractured tibia, patella and ankle bones in so many pieces reconstructing them is a joke, not to mention the nerve damage and the burns -- well. It's enough to send even someone much stronger than her into a black spiral of despair.
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