It was finished last night, and it was freaking AWESOME!! Four days of awesomeness! I got a lot of attention in my outfit, which surprised me actually. I was interviewed on the news, used as a test subject for a photographer, invited to join the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming group. See, on the first day at the con, I passed the 501st/Rebel Legion booth and this lady motioned me over. She asked if I was in the Rebel Legion and I said no. She looked me up and down, gave my costume a pretty thorough look over and said I should apply for membership. She also said if I was turned down it would be like a minor technicality. I told her that honestly, I had been thinking of petitioning for membership but didn't think I'd ever have a costume of high enough caliber, but she urged me to fill out the membership form, which I will do probably tomorrow.
Also I was invited to be on a panel next year, about spirituality in comics and movies. I attended a panel and got the autographs of two of the stars of 2001 a Space odyssey, which is a gift for my dad, since that's one of his favorite movies.
I also got autographs from Wil Wheaton, Ray Park, who played Darth Maul, Felicia Day, Jonathan Frakes, and Levar Burton. Frakes was a bit cynical and cold, but the others were so nice and took time to talk and just be cool.
While getting lunch one of the days there this guy came by and heard my conversation with my friend about my Jedi character being able to out-duel Darth Maul, and how I was the biggest collector, this guy, well he came over and humbled me with his lightsaber collection, and we got to talking. He told me he was Irish/Scottish and I told him that was my line, too, and he kiss my hand! When I told him my father is directly descended from William Wallace he actually knelt on the floor in front of me.
I also got to meet some aysmuk from the forums. One of them did himself up like a Na'vi and did my face on the last day:
He is just epic freaking win, and a really nice guy. His makeup took 8 and half hours!
We made Tsaheylu in public. Giggity. LOL It was freaking funny... he had a booth with some other learnnavi forum members and traffic there like DOUBLED when we joined queues. Later on we walked around, joined, it was epic. People got it.. some commented: "This is a PG con" and "Are you allowed to do that in here?" and "Hey! Put a condom on that braid!" when we walked into the panel with the lead guy for the Avatar vehicles.
Epic win all round.
Ready to serve the Republic!
Defending the Republic!
I may be outnumbered, but my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.
More Mandalorians close in.
Can't a Jedi go one day without having blaster or two (or three, or four) aimed at her face?
Order 66, you're doing it wrong, Lord Vader.
Caught by the empire!!
I swear I might join the droid builders one day... because this is f*king EPIC!
Friggin' Jawa tried to jack my saber!
Even Boba Fett knows not to mess with a Na'vi Jedi
Mando armor is sexy. Rrrawr
Pimping it with Lando
Me and Wil Weaton
Me and Ibana the Jawa.. dude was a great cosplayer... even had Jawaese typed out on a 'dictionary'.
I'm so exhausted. I have to submit my costume to the Rebel Legion and I crashed so hard today for about 2 hours. Yeah I'd been getting up at about 6 am every day of the con and coming back way late.