Oy vey and AVATAR

Jan 26, 2010 16:22

Grandma fell yesterday. I was home watching her and she was very agitated. (she has been since coming home from hospice, aunt says it's her oxygen levels being so low) The aunt wanted me to make sure grandma didn't go in her room, since she's been doing that since they moved back into to the flooded house (it's renovated finally). I had just gone and cleaned up the blood from her exciting the dogs (and them pawing her) when she made a beeline for that damn room. I jumped in front of her, and she rammed at me with her walker, which I caught and pushed it backs lightly. Then she fell backwards and I grabbed her arm but she fell anyway because the dogs were milling around.

She fell and started screaming, and there was blood from her leg wounds (which hadn't fully healed from the last week or so) I immediately jumped to her side. She was holding her left arm so I got my pillow and put it under her, then I grabbed my cell and called 911. I told them she'd fallen, they transferred me to the fire dept, and I told them what happened and where we were, then I ran and got her pillow and put it under her back (she fell in the hall - narrow space with a wall on the right side) against the wall. Then I ran and got my neighbor Tom. He took care of her bleeding while I secured the dogs. The fire/paramedics arrived and I got her medication list, and her hospice stuff, and then called my aunt (she was at work) so the lead firefighter could talk to her.

They took grandma to the hospital and Dot (the aunt) came and picked me up. She had a dislocated shoulder (but Dot thinks that I stopped her from hitting her head by grabbing her and that's why it was dislocated, I thought it was broken) and a fractured hip. Her heart rate is really fast anyway, so surgery was impossible it seemed but the surgeon wanted to try so Dot said ok. She was scheduled for 7:30 am but her heart was still too fast. We visited but since she didn't have her namenda pill (for mood/memory since they didn't want her to have anything by mouth in case she did go to surgery) grandma was very agitated, taking out her nasal cannula and batting our hands away.

I got word from Dot that they got her heart-rate down and she is going into surgery this evening. I feel so guilty
I didn't want her to get hurt. :( A friend assured me that if I was as 'evil' as I deemed myself I would not have gotten help or been so concerned but I can't shake the feeling that it was all my fault.

In other news my scanner is still at the house in Peoria so you all will have to wait a bit for new stuff. And last Sunday I saw Avatar with my friend Jen. OMG OMG OMG! I love eeet!! I looove it sooo much! It actually made me cry in several scenes, which is a VERY rare thing -'s only ever happened with LOTR and Star wars (eps 3 and 6). I just do not cry and this movie really moved me.
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