Sep 30, 2004 10:52
SO yesterday was actually quite eventful...
the day started off the worst day in history though.
i was late to SCC again... and well Mrs. of the worst teachers in history yelled at me... and blah blah, told me my grade is suffering,etc.
i was already REALLY stressed out and well...i...ugh, started crying, not hard or anything, but just tearing up and all that. everyone starts freaking out and asking whats wrong. kate offered to show me her boobs O.o
and this counselour was presenting stuff to the class so mrs.hock talks about my arrival and he looks at me, and says in front of the whole class "maybe we should leave her alone for a little while"
it was not cool. then he brought me to the back of class and said he noticed i arrived late and asked if i was having any serious problems(i didnt FUCKING wake up on time... sooorry)
then mrs.hock felt bad for making me cry and had a discussion with me.
NOW i have the fucking counselour guy following my ass around... asking how im doing, and if everything is okay now! HOw embarassing. i hate life.
yesterday after school i worked hardcore on my psych collage... listenied to lots of rammstein, then stefanie got me, and we went to SVSU college night. I've realized i am soooo behind on all of this college shit. it stressed me out even more.
i got lots of college info and applications...etc etc. i saw people i havent seen in awhile.
me and stefanie went all the way to her house, and then we went to old town, it was fun seeing funny people on the docks, and having otis talk about aids "satisics" aka statistics... and other funniness.
then i got home (stefanie stayed over) and my parents lectured me on more college stuff, and decided to stress me out more than i already was. bruce said i need to get my act together, and take advantage of my good grades,and not be lazy.
i had fun other than all the stressfullness. i made myself get up really early today (the 5 o'clock hour was still going) Oh my. and everyone was proud of me that i wa son time.
this big safety assembly went on at scc and we saw mutilated body parts, and ripped open skulls, and the guy called shannon courtney love...haha. it was rough.
that was my day soo far. interesting.
<3 shanna