Happy Holy Week!

Apr 13, 2006 09:01

i like Maunday Thursday. there's something comforting about religious holidays that celebrate events for which you know the actual dates.

my Dad is coming to get me tonight, and we're taking home as much of my stuff as possible. i'm always disgusted by the amount of stuff i have. i should just pitch it. all.

yesterday i biffed in a bad way. i was walking to work, and i had the mail in one hand and my full pop in the other. in the hill that goes up to the road, there are some steps that are more like hiking steps than actual steps. they're like railroad ties sawed off, crammed into the hill, and then filled in with gravel and dirt. so! along i walked, as i have walked many times before, but the tip of my sandal caught the edge of the bottom stair and over i started. it was like watching the whole thing in slow motion. my knees hit a step (Bebe once remarked that when i fall, i always fall on my knees first and if i seem to keep going, only then do i throw my hands out. i don't know why i do this.) and i kept going. the pop fell out of my hands as i reached to brace myself against bashing my face into the tie i was falling toward. the cup burst open and emptied itself all over the dirt gravel. i dropped the mail off to the side, instinctively away from the pop, and then my hands caught the edge of the tie and stopped my descent with my face a few centimeters away from the step. i blinked. i said ow. i never seem to shout while i'm falling. i wonder why that is. i took stock. i had bashed my knees. my chest had hit the pop-soaked gravel, and when i pushed myself away, i was covered in it. i finally got up and collected, and made it to work without falling again. it's oddly a little disappointing when you fall with no one around, because then you can never really share the experience with anyone or laugh about it with anyone.

the rest of the semester looks like it will be crazy. these are my biggies left: this weekend, i'm home for Easter. Kristen is driving me back on Sunday. i have an essay to write, two books to read, and a take-home test to complete. next week, i have to finish up the magazine, revise my essay, do five lesson plans, write a group essay, and finish my comprehensive unit. Saturday morning, i have a painting/working morning at church for the kids' room. in the afternoon, i have a baby shower. the next week, i have to write an 8-10 page term paper, write a 5-page paper for Hebrew Roots, do 3 journal entries, go to the play, and study for the Praxis II. Saturday, i take the Praxis II in the morning and throw a party in the afternoon. this will probably get a little complicated. but it's for the Thes. so it's okay. i hope. sometime in there, the Don is taking Jenna and me shopping. that should be a good time. somewhere else in there, Mike and the Scott and i are baking cookies for their Nature Writers class. the Scott was really excited to hear that i have leaf cookie cutters. that Sunday, i have my Sigma Tau Delta end-of-the-year party, and then it's exam week! i have three exams the first day, one right after the next, but the one in the middle shouldn't be any big deal. at the end of that week is Commencement, which i will be attending this year. and probably crying at. the deputy of the FBI is speaking; that should be...interesting. then i go home.

i'm really nervous that i haven't heard back from the park yet. i was really hoping to get that job, and if i don't, i'll have to do some serious job-hunting. anyway, that's the big stuff on my plate. i'm running out of days! i'm also running out of meals on my plan, but my ex-roommate's roommate's fiance flexed me four meals yesterday, so i got breakfast and lunch yesterday and again today on credit. that's exciting to me. two meals! yay!

thanks to Stephie for my new user pic. this is from when Morris came to visit me and he and Stephie and Bebe and I went to Young's. it was really windy, and he just kept taking pictures. in this one, i look like i'm about to pass out or something weird. it's funny to see how much longer my hair is now.

peace, love, and the.
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