Jan 16, 2006 15:35
My stepdad had to go out of town yesterday until Friday so he won't be
here when I leave on Wednesday. We said goodbye on Sunday morning
before my mom and I went to church. It was sad. i tried not to cry. We have
had HUGE fights but in the end I love my parents. Who else will love
me no matter what? Saturday night my parents and I went out to
dinner and a movie. We went to Red Lobster. mmmmm.... it was
SO good! I haven't eaten a meal like that in forever. Then we went to
the movies and saw "Memoirs of a Geisha." The movie wasn't bad. I think
I definitely like the book better...but I thought it was good. There
were parts that I forgot about until I saw the movie. I recommend to
anyone who hasn't read the book to read it! Anyway. My stepdad asked me if
I was going to come back for the summer. I said "probably" becuase I
don't know what I am doing. Duane really wants me to stay and part of me
wants to but the other part of me doesn't ever want to disappoint my
parents. If I don't come back they'll think I abandoned them...I know.
*sighs* I love them...and I am not ready to completely grow up and not
come home. *sighs* I don't know how to explain it.
Katie called me yesterday. *suprise-suprise* We are going to go and
have dinner tonight. That should be intersting. I started some
packing...I have so much shit. I don't know what to do with half of it. I don't
want to go back. Anytime I think about it, it just makes me sad. I love
being at home. I don't want to go back to school and have to deal with
roommates and shit. *ugh* And I have had FUN doing nothing but sleeping
all day...although I can feel the extra weight. I can't wait to go back
to school and work out though :) I have to start working on that