Ask Me Anything Meme #15: Ghosting

Apr 25, 2014 01:14

Getting one of the backlog of questions!

If you had the opportunity to be a ghost, what sort of place would you like to haunt and what are some spooky things you'd do? theacidqueenI'm not sure what sort of ghost this is? Am I really dead? Is it now? Is it after I've died of old age? Am I just temporarily a ghost? THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOOOOW. Or at the very ( Read more... )

scottie, loki is my spirit animal, hiddles is my spirit animal, tanya is a box of cats, suggestions from the audience, family, memes

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Comments 14

meathiel April 25 2014, 15:09:30 UTC
We haven't been friends for long ... but your family really sounds dysfunctional!


invsagoth April 25 2014, 16:53:03 UTC
ehehe... one of the numerous reasons that I identify with Loki is because of his family stuffs. n_n'


icecoldrain April 25 2014, 17:21:55 UTC
lol this post is the best. My mom and her best friend have a pact. Whichever dies first has to go visit the other as a ghost.

Haunting ghost hunters when they're not hunting is hilarious. We all need to up our ghost game to be like you lmao. I feel like I would be the ghost that didn't realize I was dead, or the ghost haunting my own house because I'm like I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIED! Or if someone killed me I would haunt my killer until they went crazy and admitted to killing me (totally morbid answer but I would totes haunt my killer).


invsagoth April 25 2014, 17:41:35 UTC
ehehehe, I'm glad that you are amused! :3 When I was talking to my sister she said that I'd have to visit her too. Which I would but realistically I would want to spend most of my time elsewhere. n_n'

I would be a mischievous ghost for sure. I'm all about the mischief! xD

ehehehe, I would totes drive my killer crazy. I don't really find it morbid but I already have this same type of thing in my own answer so I'm certainly not going to think anything of it. xD I probably should have said that if I was murdered I would also want to take revenge on the killer!


heathersmoo April 25 2014, 18:45:41 UTC
Ooh, good one theacidqueen.

Have you watched Being Human? A friend just made me watch an ep and you sound just like the ghost in that show.


invsagoth April 25 2014, 19:11:02 UTC
I've watched a little of the BBC one and I think the first couple of episodes of the US version, but I just hadn't continued with it yet. xD I liked the ghost from the little I saw though, so I'm going to say that's a good thing?


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invsagoth April 25 2014, 19:15:21 UTC
That's probably around when I did too- I was about 12 or 13 at the time. (weee old cats lol)

It sounds lonely to be a ghost if nobody could see you, but I tried to make the best out of it. :3 It would be better if I could interact with people!


invsagoth April 25 2014, 19:33:33 UTC
I'm just curious, what did her father do? You don't have to say.


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theacidqueen April 26 2014, 01:19:12 UTC
questions are always interpretable :) but to settle your need to know, i was originally thinking if upon your death you had a choice of continuing on to something else or sticking around earth as a ghost (and for the sake of the question, you had to choose ghost lol).

ahahaha oh man, haunting the ghost hunters would be so much fun! i really love that idea. when i was in high school, i wanted to be a theater ghost. theater geeks tend to love their theater ghosts. i could claim one of the seats, and it'd be known to unfold on its own like someone is sitting in it. and haunting the costume room would be awesome, because who doesn't love substitutiary locomotion?


invsagoth April 26 2014, 17:39:23 UTC
ehehehe, well part of my wonderings were really just meant to be silly. :3 My main thought of what happens after death is actually reincarnation, but I do like Valhalla or Fólkvangr. x3

The idea of haunting the ghost hunters amuses me so much. xD A theater ghost also sounds awesome. :D I like the idea of haunting Marvel though, ehehehe, and Lokiing everybody. :3
That video is too funny! "Is that my nightgown? I am not responsible for it's actions." ehehehe!


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