Ask Me Anything Meme #14: Languages. Also the dentist, and family does nothing but disappoint.

Apr 19, 2014 01:49

What language would you like to be able to speak? arctic_comet
The first language I would say is Japanese, no question. I've taken classes but I haven't had a chance to really commit to actually learning it.
Then I would have to say elvish. It's another thing that I've noodled around with learning.

In other news, I went to the dentist today. Dentists freak me out now because of some rather poor experiences and the anxiety attacks I have are sort of ridiculous.
Though I was amused by when the dentist was like "Go to your happy place... Sandy beaches..."

This is my happy place. ehehe
But then I was like CHANNEL LOKI TANYA HE WOULDN'T LET THIS BOTHER HIM THIS IS NOTHING YOU SAY THAT HE'S YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL CALM THE FUCK DOWN. It actually helped a lot. I'm kinda proud of that. Thank you Loki~
My face still hurts and my jaw doesn't work correctly and my gums hurt but other than that yay for being done. e_e Also, my mouth still tastes like that stuff. Ick.

I was amused that Scottie took me out for a milkshake after because I sort of didn't eat due to nerves (not that I remember to eat on a normal day, but still), and I kept feeling like I was going to swallow my tongue when I would try to drink because half of my face was still numb.

Talked to my sister today. Learned some stuffs that have been going on with the rest of my disowned family. For all those new here- that is everyone in my family except for my sister. My gramma was my Frigga and she is dead.

Loki is my spirit animal for many reasons. This is in truth how I feel about my family as well.
At first I was filled with rage. But I dealt with much of this rage this fall... So I guess it isn't quite as bad as it could have been. I mean, Odin my mother was already not my mother anymore, so it doesn't really have anything to do with me. But still.

"Family" does nothing but disappoint.

language, dentist, friends, scottie, loki is my spirit animal, suggestions from the audience, family, memes

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