Ask Me Anything Meme #12 What's for breakfast? Also Face-Off ramble and related MH pics

Apr 15, 2014 22:45

Oh my god of mischief I am going to diiiiie. I am so tired. I've spent most of today being like "What am I doing? Napping yes no wait do work. What work is it that I was trying to do? TWITTER no no work. What was I doing again ( Read more... )

tv, dolls, hiddles is my spirit animal, face-off, suggestions from the audience, memes, monster high

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Comments 13

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meathiel April 16 2014, 15:51:22 UTC
Oh, I believe you would! ;-)


invsagoth April 16 2014, 17:56:38 UTC
Those are totes tights. :D They're more on the yellow side than orange IRL, but they do have an orange cast to them. :3


icecoldrain April 16 2014, 14:05:04 UTC
Oh no! lol, I took some pictures of the blood moon. It was so neat! Well, it's happening three more times this year so there's still time to catch it! :D

Oh man, your post is making me miss oats lol. (I'm allergic to them). My favorite was hot oatmeal with a little bit of milk on it. It was even better when I made the oatmeal myself with a little bit of cinnamon vs. the instant oatmeal.


invsagoth April 16 2014, 18:00:27 UTC
I'll have to catch it on one of the upcoming times then! I'd actually seen your post about it and a couple others and I was like nuuuuu. xD

I'm sorry that you're allergic to oats! I like instant oatmeal but it's not nearly as good for sticking with you as the real stuff. I have mine with a bit of agave sweetener (low glycemic is better for my sugar issues). Another thing I like to do is put in brown sugar and peanut butter, but I haven't done that in quite a while.


icecoldrain April 16 2014, 18:14:34 UTC
Yeah! Hopefully the weather will be good for it. I know some people wanted to see it but the weather was bad where they were.

Same here lol. I loved all things oats lol. Oh yeah, my mom has blood sugar issues. She can't eat anything sweet in the morning. She has to have the same boring breakfast every morning (eggs and a sausage. spicing it up is adding veggies to it), or her blood sugar is off for the rest of the day. I never tried brown sugar on peanut butter. Too late not because I'm allergic to peanuts now too, but it sounds good! Is it peanut butter/brown sugar by itself or with something? It sounds interesting!


invsagoth April 17 2014, 05:37:00 UTC
Hrm, I don't know if the weather would have been good for it here now that I think about it. It was pretty cloudy that day.

Blood sugar issues can be such a pain! I'm better with dealing with it than I used to be though.
Oh, the brown sugar and peanut butter is what I was adding to my oatmeal. When I was working in the field in Maine I had a bowl of that every morning and it held my sugar for a long day in the field. :3
I'm sorry that you're also allergic to peanuts! My mother was (was? I suppose she still is lol) allergic to them too, it's not fun to deal with that.


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invsagoth April 17 2014, 05:47:28 UTC
Nothing wrong with random! XD

You sound like you have a really nice weekend breakfast! :3 The only reason I have oatmeal for breakfast is Scottie, he makes it for me while I'm in the shower in the morning. xD When I was alone I would have a piece of toast with peanut butter if I had enough time, otherwise I might have a granola bar. xD


meathiel April 16 2014, 15:53:13 UTC
I usually have cold cereals in the morning - it's all I have time for ... or I'd have to get up even earlier. Yawn.
I mostly like the nougat thingies ... don't know if you have them in the US? Oh - I just googled them and they're acteually called nougat pillows - like in German.


invsagoth April 17 2014, 05:52:12 UTC
lol, the only reason I have my oatmeal in the morning is Scottie, he makes it for me while I'm getting ready. xD Before I would make myself a piece of toast or grab a granola bar. lol

Oh, nougat pillows sound tasty! I've never seen them before though. :3


leia131 April 16 2014, 16:40:23 UTC
I kind of couldn't believe Niko was still there this long; his stuff has been consistently underwhelming. Tyler or Rashaad should definitely win, imho.

For breakfast I usually have Belvita chocolate biscuits, or cereal, or toast, or English muffins... Or really whatever we have in the house. But I almost always eat my cereal without milk, which is my weird thing.


invsagoth April 17 2014, 06:03:57 UTC
I was shocked that Niko stuck around so long too! The best thing he ever did was that minotaur (the one time that he won), but besides that nothing he did had impressed me either.

You sound like you have tasty breakfasts! I sometimes snack on dry cereal so it doesn't sound that odd to me. :3


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