Ask Me Anything Meme #7 Who is coming to dinner?

Apr 08, 2014 01:39

You can invite five people (alive or dead) to dinner. Who do you invite and why? becofoz

Scottie and I were talking about this, and we decided that he's helping me host this so he doesn't count against the limit. Of course he has to be there. We also decided that he would also get five guests. I said he could post a post in his, but he said that he probably wouldn't so I could just post it here. xD We also said I could post the guest list mixed up so that people could guess who was on who's list, but then I wouldn't be able to post my reasons.

And I'm assuming that this doesn't allow for characters, or gods, or stuffs like that.

Hrm.. who to invite...

HIDDLES. Yus. Hiddles. Mmm... Anyone who didn't anticipate this has to be new here
Oh wait, I need to invite more people? sigh fiiiiiine

Well, I want to invite Chris Hemsworth because Hiddles and Hemsworth are adorkable.

Such cuties

I might die of cute BUT IT WOULD BE SO WORTH IT

I would also like to invite Shakespeare (or Marlowe, or whoever the hell wrote those plays) because 1) I quite like Shakespeare (I took classes on it and everything at university before I even knew Hiddles existed, so I can be all hipster Hiddlestoner) and 2) Hiddles is a huge nerd about Shakespeare (as he says) and it would be amazing to see him geek out over that.

I was going to put him reading the old shakespeare text, but this made me laugh

Yes this dinner so far is all about me seeing Hiddles get excited about things I'M NOT GOING TO BE LOOKING ELSEWHERE ANYWAY I DO WHAT I WANT~

I would also like to invite Alyson Hannigan, because she is my favourite actress. I <3 Willow~

I would also like to invite Wil Wheaton because I think he is awesome and I love Tabletop. Or possibly Chris Hardwick. It would be amazing to have both at the same time, but my table is full. I think that either of these would work well with the peope at the table. Hardwick might be a slightly better fit but I'm not sure.

I also really would like to invite Stan Lee (our Generalissimo!) and Joss Whedon, but uuuuuugh I don't have spaaaaace. It turns out that if I have to invite more people there are actually a few people that I would want...

So I got my fangirl gathering here. Scottie's is a bit less silly.

He decided on Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad- because all of those people together would be very interesting.
Then he thought about a scientist to invite and decided on Neil Degrasse Tyson.
Then with his last spot he wasn't sure. He wanted a good bridge between my guests and his.
It was a toss up between Jon Stewart and Nathan Fillion. He was thinking that Jon Stewart would be really cool, but since he is a browncoat he had to go with Fillion.

Then I will go with my slightly more fantastical table!
I choose Hiddles and the rest of the seats will be filled by....

Again, if you didn't anticipate this... you're totes new here.

I had a lot of fun with this post. ehehehe xD

sillyness, scottie, loki is my muse, hiddles is my spirit animal, suggestions from the audience, fangirlin, memes

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