Ask Me Anything Meme Question #4- moving and Monster High. Also Winter Soldier tomorrow~

Apr 05, 2014 02:16

Also, if you have another question for me I do still have free days, just click here! :3

Today's question!
If you had the chance - would you move away from Alaska to somewhere warmer?
How many Monster High Dolls do you own and do you think you'd ever give up collecting them? meathiel

Would I move away from Jotenheim?

But it is so... ehm, glorious... here.
Seriously though... no I am serious I hate Alaska. I've lived all over in it and most of my memories from the elsewhere locations are PTSD related. I currently live in Anchorage but it is just a big city with a view of the mountains in the far off distance. That's not that exciting. The state is conservative and all about oil and fishing interests, so often I don't agree with the people who live in this state. Among other things.
I have lived in more wonderful, more beautiful places than here. I would move out of here yesterday, but I need to figure out where to go. I hear Toronto has lovely sights this time of year *koffs* But London has those lovely sights more often. ehehehe~
Hrm, that came out grumpier than I intended. But those are my feels.
It doesn't have to be necessarily warmer I mean I am a frost giant wut but I would prefer a place that isn't spend half the year in night. xP

How many dolls I have ended up being asked twice, it was in #3. Oops!

This might have been my intial reaction to the question ehehehe
I do want to mention that I have been collecting them since 2011, and dolls are one of my main hobbies. n_n'

But the second part of that question hadn't been asked! If I would stop collecting them.
The answer to that is no! I love them, they are a lot of fun to photograph and they make me happy. I want to make customs too, so that's an additional reason that I won't want to stop.

So there's today's answer!

Tomorrow I am going to see the Winter Soldier with Scottie! We snagged our tickets on Fandango this evening to make sure that we wouldn't have trouble getting them. We're going to a 2D matinee. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to the 3D or not, but I decided that the 2D would be fine, was cheaper, and would allow me to sleep in. lol
Scottie had mentioned for me to check for a Cap marathon like they had with Thor- where they did Thor/Avengers/Thor 3. I mean Cap was in Avengers too. Scottie is such a sweetie, I would have totes gone there to see Loki on the big screen again! xD And he would have sat through another marathon with me with all my flailing fangirling. The Loki marathon w/ Scottie is one of my favourite memories. :3 ehehehe I just fangirl Marvel in general, the... intensity of the fangirling just jumps a lot when Loki is involved. Unfortunetely the marathon was only Cap 1 and Cap 2. So no marathon. The cost of the tickets for just the two movies was higher than we'd like, no Loki, and I have the Cap 1 bluray if I want to watch it again so it just didn't make sense.

I will console myself with this:

I feel fangirling surging does that count

marvel, loki is my spirit animal, hiddles is my spirit animal, tanya is a bag of cats, do i never sleep?, suggestions from the audience, memes

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