Monster High photoshoot- Heath and Jinafire! Also Avengers Assemble, Face-Off, and JH Creature Shop

Mar 28, 2014 01:32

First off, Just directing you to my Ask Me Anything entry here (clicky!) in case you haven't asked a question yet! I'm really looking forward to answering your questions, they're fun! :3

So tonight I decided to take some pictures of Heath and Jinafire. Heath had a question...

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twitter rp, pictures, marvel, scottie, loki is my spirit animal, fangirlin, suburgatory, dolls, tv, hiddles is my spirit animal, face-off, monster high

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invsagoth March 31 2014, 02:30:34 UTC
I'm glad that you understand! I feel like our feelings get misunderstood more often than they should be, which sort of confuses me because a lot of us are pretty vocal about our feels.
Oh Dante is a good one for that!

Whenever someone says something like that, I just think "I love to love Loki". ehehehe I'm glad that you're the same! :3


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invsagoth March 31 2014, 05:06:32 UTC
I choose Loki because I identify with him so strongly, and there is so much to his character. If it was just that he was hot (which he is for certain, but that's not my point), I wouldn't be the obsessive fangirl that I am. n_n'
(For example, I love Stark's character very much. I am actually not at all attracted to RDJ, though I can objectively appreciate that he is attractive. But he is my second favorite Avenger Loki should be an Avenger I DO WHAT I WANT~)
I certainly love Tom too, but I also love Loki. I'm all

... )


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invsagoth April 1 2014, 07:45:51 UTC
There are so many reasons that I identify with him. n_n' From his mannerisms, to his family stuff, to his journey into the abyss where he came back broken, and more. (Before I had Loki to identify with on this broken part, things in my brain were really very dark.)

I also think that Thanos tortured him to insanity before the Avengers. It's totally the truth that he was supposed to go through hell in that year, and I could see that being part of it. Have you seen the interviews with Hiddles where he talked about where he and Whedon had discussed what Loki had been through (the asgardian version of Apocolypse Now)?


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invsagoth April 3 2014, 07:40:44 UTC
There are!
They are both in some longish Hiddles interviews, one from NerdHQ at SDCC ( and the other is from an interview he did in Australia during the Thor 2 worldwide tour Hiddles did (Part 1 Part 2 :D
The Popcorn Taxi interview was split on youtube into two parts, atm I can't remember exactly which section it was in but the whole thing is amazing. n_n'


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invsagoth April 4 2014, 08:40:43 UTC
You're very welcome! It's fun to talk to you about Loki stuffs. :3
It's amazing watching Hiddles talk about Loki, he's totes the leader of our army. lol


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