Sculpting challenge, day 198- Loki sculpting cont! Grimm, Marvel's Avengers Assemble and S.M.A.S.H

Mar 24, 2014 00:48

I started this post last night, I wish I had finished it then. There's kind of a lot with today and tomorrow smushed together. n_n'

Tonight I continued my Loki sculpt. I spent a lot of time working on his nose, shaping the cheekbones, brow, eye, and starting to get the other side of his face started. I am really pleased with how it's coming so far. n_n' It needs a lot of work of course, but still happy with the progress.

Scottie and I watched the most recent episode of Grimm last night. It was rather interesting!
I loved that they brought the main vampire actor from Being Human (US) to play a Blutbad... which is a werewolf. Scottie said that he might have wanted to do it for sheer irony. lol I also have to say I like that actor even more after seeing him on Tabletop gaming. (If you don't know Tabletop, it's a youtube show on the geekandsundry channel, hosted by Wil Wheaton) I had to geek out when he was playing a role playing game on there, and talking about being a DM in games he does normally. I like that he's a gamer. He's one of us. xD
More spoilery things under a spoiler cut:
[The Show Must Go On]
First off, Scottie and I both wanted those girls to die, who'd snagged the Blutbad character from the circus. That was so rapey. He was obviously not capable of consent because he was under the influence of something and they weren't taking no for an answer. He clearly wasn't interested either. I am glad that they showed something like that though because guys can get raped and a lot of people just think of it as a joke. It isn't.
I am glad that it turned out that he hadn't actually killed the girls himself, he had enough issues he was going to have to deal with, without having to have that blood on his hands too.

I thought the show itself was interesting. At the beginning of the show, Scottie and I thought the cake was sooooo cute. Aw, the little Blutbad and Fuchsbau cake toppers... of course, then there was blood and that wasn't so cute because it was Nick's nightmare, but still. n_n'
I thought the idea of Wesen being exploited in a sideshow circus was an interesting thought. It makes sense that there could be something like that in that universe.

Also, Rosalee was so pretty in the carnival outfit. I thought it was AMAZING when she showed up at the end of the episode dressed in it for Monroe for fun sexy times just for them.
I love Rosalee and Monroe. They are so cute. T_T

Adalind's baby is scary. I think it's awesome. lol

Also, I'd been talking about wanting to watch the Marvel cartoons because I kept seeing gifs and things about it on tumblr. I kept not seeing it on tv though, and so I kept forgetting to put it recording. Scottie, being the amazing man that he is, found it and set up a series recording for me. I watched the first couple of episodes of Avengers Assemble and Hulk's Agents of S.M.A.S.H. last weekend and I thought they were fun. But then, this weeks episodes.
First off I watched Avengers Assemble, and it was All-Father's Day. So you might imagine who they meant when they said "All-Father". I was geeking out so hard over that episode. I was like "I wish it had Loki, but otherwise eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" By the bristling beard of Odin indeed. ehehehe
And then Agents of SMASH. The episode was called "For Asgard".
THERE WAS LOKI! Loki, my precious god of mischief. xD
After that went off I was just making high pitched squees for a while (so speaking fangirl). Scottie asked me what I thought and I just started squeeing at him as if they were actual words (erm, they weren't, but he thought it was cute) and flailing. ehehehe
It wasn't Hiddles!Loki, but Loki himself is still my favorite character of anything so yeah. I was excited.
They're still on the DVR, because Scottie is amazing and understands my insane fangirling means I need to squirrel all Loki and Hiddles things away forever.

The last couple of days of twitter RP have been fun and eventful. Here's a related gif. x3

Again, my lady was much more enthusiastic.

So erm, here I end my Extreme Fangirling post. n_n'

Edit: I'd actually had more about my RP in here, but I decided to take it down on the off chance that anyone I RP with is on here. I feel like it would take away from it if someone knew who I was IRL. Does that make sense? I'm not sure, I didn't sleep much. :P

agents of smash, twitter rp, art, marvel, scottie, loki is my muse, loki is my spirit animal, sculpting challenge, fangirlin, grimm, sculpting, dolls, hiddles is my spirit animal, avengers, monster high

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