Sculpting challenge, day 197- Loki sculpting continued! Also, the Voice and twitter RP

Mar 18, 2014 01:17

So tonight I worked a bit more on roughing out Loki's face. It needs a lot of work, I know, but here's the progress for today. xD

In the background you can see Loki!Pony and Lala!Pony

I also watched the first Voice battles tonight! It was entertaining. Still nobody has exactly grabbed me. I'm hoping that someone does so I can have a horse in this race. I mean, there are good singers but nobody that I really care deeply for.

I watched the Blacklist tonight. Brief ramble under cut:
[Blacklist spoilers]It was rather interesting. It's too bad that the captured dude (I forget what his name was) that was tied to the chair didn't have Natasha's moves lol. He might have fared a bit better. The girl was way too trusting in that scene. And the husband was super creepy.

I respected the guy at the end tossing the blade to his former best friend to kill perform seppuku. If anyone caused me to lose Scottie something along those lines would be the best they could expect from me, consequences after would be irrelevant.

I really like James Spader's character.

Also, today I started a twitter RP account in addition to my regular twitter account. This was in part due to me following RP accounts, and while I could have fun talking to them I figured it would be more fun to have a full on RP account. Now, the last time I did RP in this fashion was back when I lived at home still. o_O I mean, I still RP but it's in more structured environments (DnD, Pathfinder, etc). But this is the first time that I've really done RP on twitter. I'm afraid that I'm going to do wrong things. n_n' It was fun though so far!
I've also been thinking about doing a tumblr RP blog (obviously this is something I've been thinking about), but since I spend part of my day at work on twitter as well as during my walk home it's just convenient for me.

This is relevant for reasons you don't know about, but regardless have a Hiddles~

I'm rather beat, I don't know if I'm making any sense. My walk home today was ridiculous because the snowstorm over the weekend made the trails I walk a mess, and the sidewalks mostly had all the snow off the roads just piled onto them. e_e I actually had to take a lot of detours to get around, which took extra time.

art, loki is my muse, twitter, sculpting challenge, sculpting, my ponies, the voice, rp, loki, dolls, tv, the blacklist, hiddles is my spirit animal, monster high

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