A tale of two Lagoonas. Also the DVR ate my shows. And work grumbles and brief book ramble.

Mar 08, 2014 02:14

I have a plan for some different pictures tomorrow, but it's late and so I decided to take a picture of my new DT Lagoona with my SS Lagoona. (Btw, now I really want the 13 Wishes Lagoona, since she's the saltwater version and so can look like a totally different doll. xD)

I'm a bit annoyed because the cable has been acting up the last couple of days. The picture gets big pixely bars over the picture, and the sound cuts out. Scottie called the cable company early this afternoon about it because it got worse and the picture was worthless and the sound completely disappeared. They said they could send someone out tomorrow, which was annoying, but he set up an appointment. But then the tv went back to normal as the day went on, so we cancelled the appointment. But tonight the tv started to act up again, and then shortly before Helix and Grimm came on and started recording the tv turned into a soundless jumble of pixels. -_- I think both of those shows are On Demand, but I'd rather record it and watch it or watch it live because the On Demand stuff always ends up coming through at the wrong aspect ratio so it doesn't look nearly as nice because we end up watching it weirdly zoomed in or stretched. Bleh. I'm glad that it didn't happen on SHIELD, but Grimm is my other favourite show on tv right now so that's a bummer. I wouldn't say Helix is a favourite show but I am invested in watching it and was looking forward to seeing more of what's going on there. So to cheer myself up I decided to take the above doll pictures. n_n'

We're having some rather drastic temperature changes (it has gotten a lot colder in the last couple of days), and we think that's what's causing the problem. It's happened before! I hope that is the only problem, and that it works itself out, because I don't like having strangers in my house and also just because it's inconvenient to have to wait around for a cable guy. :P

I bet this is related to the other night when I couldn't connect to the internet! Also, the internet isn't really working now either. e_e

Work was frustrating today. There were computer issues that started on Thursday that were supposed to have been resolved that day that weren't actually resolved, and continued to be a problem today. I was listening to the end of Storm of Swords, and it was giving me all the feels, but all those feels were RAAAAAAAAGE. (I still have 10% left of the book) Once I was too agitated to continue to listen to the book, I tried listening to the radio. Everything on the radio was awful. For some reason, everyone wanted to play 80s and 90s music on stations that usually play current music, and I have anti-nostalgia for most of that. So that was a lot of DNW DNW DNW. For reasons I haven't posted about yet (and really, I probably won't because it's not what I normally post about, but it's just some incompetence from IT), I don't even have my own computer right now so I don't have my own personal music to listen to. While I was attempting to find anything to listen to on the radio one of my coworkers had his wife and baby stop by. And stay. The baby started squealing and crying. I was just like REALLY? REALLY? Really.

I haven't been in the best head space this past week (dealing with some PTSD issues for some reason), and I have been sleeping poorly, so I was also more easily irritated than usual.

(Sorry for the grumbley nature of the post!)

helix, loki is my spirit animal, grimm, work, tanya is not amused, dolls, tv, monster high

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