Sculpting challenge, day 192- Loki!Pony painting continued. Also a bit about Helix, comics, n movies

Feb 24, 2014 01:16

Just a quick post, I did some paint on Pony!Loki tonight. Some shading n stuffs. :3 Still not done but I'm happy with how things are coming. I'm going for kind of the shadowed look he had when he arrived on the scene in the Avengers.

Scottie also got the tablet set up on my computer, and I drew a bit of comic on it! I've always had something of a disconnect drawing on the tablet vs just a sketchpad, and I got over that! So that's pretty cool.

I still need to post about Fur Rondy, but that's going to have to wait as it's too late to get into that!

We watched Helix tonight, I thought it was actually a really interesting episode! People still make silly decisions, but I felt more drawn into the show on this episode tonight. I think that's a good thing!Is it weird that I want Dr. Hatake's watch? *koff*

Also, in the background today we had 2 Fast 2 Furious, then Tokyo Drift on the tv. Right now Joy Ride is on, and I haven't seen that movie in SO LONG. Paul Walker is just a bb there, it's hard to believe he's not here anymore.

scottie, helix, loki is my muse, my ponies, dolls, tv, loki, movies, monster high

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