Captian America!

Feb 22, 2014 23:35

So I finally watched Captain America! I have had the movie since Scottie got me the special Avengers box set for our anniversary this last November, and I really wanted to get all the movies watched that I've missed. That's one of the reasons that I wanted the box originally! I have this erm... tendency though to either put in the Avengers or Thor though for the 1000000000th time though when I go to grab a movie out of that box. No idea why. *koff*

What was I doing again?

But I really did want to watch Cap's origin story, he's the only one I haven't seen yet! Plus ya'know if I do want to see the Winter Soldier in the theater, I'll want to have watched the first movie.

So here's how I felt after watching the movie:

The poor bb. T_T

Something neat I saw, Jenna Coleman (Clara on Dr Who) had a small part! Scottie was reading in the bedroom (he'd seen the movie before, and had a headache and so wanted to lie down) and he heard my fangirl squee when she came on. xD
I also thought it was awesome that they had Hugo Weaving as Red Skull. I told Scottie that I was excited that they had Agent Elrond, because I'm a dork.

More specific things under a spoiler cut:
[Is this a test?]
I had to squee at seeing the tesseract, the Yggdrasil mural where it was hidden, and also at the end where they showed Asgard space. xD

The part where little Steve threw himself on the grenade at training camp? Aw, the bb. I think that's a good scene to show his character.

I had to laugh at "Do you two... fondue?" xD I was talking to that scene to Scottie after regarding the different Starks, but he didn't quite remember the reference. He was like fondue? And I was like well, we fondue, and then he was like "Well, I am Fond Oh You" and it was really cute. xD

Then of course there's Bucky.

I couldn't help but think that writers really like to throw characters from high places (Loki, Bucky, Sherlock.....)

Poor cap...

And of course the end of the movie also hurt my heart. "I had a date." Just, ow my feels. T_T

I'm really happy that I've watched that now so Cap can be one of my Marvel bbs properly.

Of course Loki is still my bb 1000000%

I feel a bit spoiled as I didn't feel like there was any eye candy in that movie for me though (besides the little bit with Clara).

Well ok now that I can certainly get behind xD

I have more things to post about, but I'll have to talk about them later! This weekend was the start of Fur Rondy, a winter festival that coincides with the Iditarod here, and we went out to enjoy some of the stuffs!

loki, marvel, movies, scottie, iditarod, alaska, captain america

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