Sculpting challenge, day 189- Loki!Pony continued, now armour! Also the Olympics

Feb 11, 2014 02:32

Just a quick entry as holy kau it's late, but I was just so excited to start on Pony!Loki's armour. I'm starting with Loki's bracers, these will go on his forelegs. I've just done the one side so far, and I'll definitely use paint to help bring out the detail after baking. Also I'm probably going to add moar battle scarring. (Those gashes are totes intentional!) I should probably take a closer picture of the detail, but that's not going to happen quite yet. n_n'

I suppose that will suffice.

I do need a closer view, you can't really see but there is a snake in the top right corner.

This isn't the best view of what they look like for reference, but I like this anyway. *koff*

Tonight I watched curling with Scottie tonight! I think that's a really interesting sport. I just wish they didn't have to jump ahead in the game so much, we're actually interested in seeing how they get to the points where it's "exciting". xD

Also watched Lost Girl, but I shouldn't get into that quite yet.

art, scottie, loki is my muse, sculpting challenge, sculpting, my ponies, dolls, loki, olympics, monster high

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