Sculpting challenge, day 187! Loki Pony continued! Also, Superbowl Sunday- IE HEY HIDDLES ADS

Feb 02, 2014 22:22

I did end up making the mane of Pony!Loki yesterday, but I just didn't get to post about it quite yet. I'm actually quite happy with how it turned out. :3 I'd started it on Friday actually, but I only got the core started before I ended up having issues with dizzyness.
I had been rather excited though about how well the covered core actually worked all by itself for Loki out of the first Thor lol. But here it is finished! I need to bake it, and then I can start on painting. Or maybe I should do armour first. I'll have to think about how exactly I want to do things.

Also, today was the Superbowl! I've never actually watched the Superbowl before. lol I mean, I sort of did once when I was still at Signal and me and Scottie went to a Superbowl potluck, but I was really there for the potluck and the socializing. And alchohol. ehehehe n_n'
I decided that I wanted to watch the Superbowl though because I knew that Hiddles was going to be on a Jaguar commercial (british villians, #GoodtobeBad) and I wanted to see it. I had to laugh about it because I've never watched the Superbowl for the sports OR the ads before. But there I was! Scottie's not a huge sports fanatic, so he usually doesn't mind that I'm disinterested in most sports, but I think he was excited that I was actually excited to put on a sports thing. lol He watched the game with me. :3 I only wish the game had been more interesting for him!
I sort of paid attention to the game, but I honestly had more fun looking at the silly commercials while flailing around with fellow Hiddlestoners on twitter waiting for Hiddles to appear. xD

It was so worth it!

There was supposed to be an ad for Muppets Most Wanted on the Superbowl, but I didn't see it. I'm not sure if it got replaced by a local ad or what, but I was kind of bummed. But I did watch the spot on youtube afterward, and it was hilarious. xD What I found really funny though was that I switched to the Puppy Bowl after the Superbowl was off, and I saw a special spot for Muppets there which included Hiddles. EVERYONE WAS TARGETING ME LOL.

Hiddles looks like Steve here. Also, more Hiddles in chains. *koff*

bb why does everyone want to put you in chains?

I had way more fun than I was expecting though! I liked the halftime show with Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers quite a lot! I also liked all the fireworks, and the Broncos even lead the team out with a horse!
There were other fun commercials too besides the ones with Hiddles. I saw the spot for Captain America 2, Spider-Man 2, plus ads with Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle (Colonel James Rhodes/War Machine). Outside of my Marvel bbs, the spot with Morpheous was awesome, and Colbert was hilarious.

Also, Scottie and I made homemade nachos for the day! He made a fresh salsa and we made our own chips. He actually started before I woke up, and he took some pictures before I woke up because he knew that I'm all about pictures. :3
He's such a sweetie! Also, I say Scottie and I made the nachos, but really I'm his sous chef. xD

Tortillas cut up ready to be made into chips.

Frying the chips.

After frying, we put the chips down on paper towel to wick away any excess oil.

All the ingredients laid out.

Scottie put ingredients on each chip individually.

All the ingredients before heating the cheese for melting.

The finished plate of nachos! They were so good. :D

Apparently, I had a lot of things to say. xD

superbowl, scottie, food porn, loki is my muse, sculpting challenge, sculpting, my ponies, dolls, tv, loki, tom hiddleston, sports, monster high

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