Happy birthday to me? But mostly comics and Dragon Age and squee xD

Nov 30, 2013 23:48

I just got an automatic birthday wish from Den of Angels, I was amused because I hadn't really realized that tomorrow was my birthday. lol I mean, I know that it was almost here, but it just... hadn't occurred to me exactly? I'm not sure how I feel about birthdays. I don't like when people around me age!

Today me and Scottie went to our local comic shop so I could pick up the next issue of Young Avengers. Can I say how much I love that comic? :D

I need to get back issues of Journey into Mystery when I can afford to! So much amazingness.
I also picked up the Neil Gaiman Sandman comic that was there. :3 It was really cheap too!

Ghoulia is an honorary member. xD

I was reading the collected classic Thor comics (I'm on the second volume of that) from the library, but I had to return them. I need to get that again so I can continue reading those too! I think I'm going to mark down favorites of the old comics to look at getting for my collection later.


I've also started playing Dragon Age. I started putting together my character and Scottie was surprised that my character was male. Then he was like "You're making Loki, aren't you?". Which of course I was, lol. Then I was like "Yeeeees. I don't know the last time I've made a male character when I've had the choice between the two, the last time was... ... ...?" "You've never made a guy when you've had the choice." "I guess I haven't! I did consider making Lady Loki though." xD
I've named my puppy Fenrir. I am having fun with this. ehehehe xD

birthdays, marvel, comics, loki is my spirit animal, dolls, loki, young avengers, hiddles is my spirit animal, monster high

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