Thor the Dark World was AMAZING (no spoilers)

Nov 08, 2013 01:29

The Thor marathon was amazing and oh my pudding Loki the Dark World is now my favorite movie ever!
I laughed! I cried! I squee'd! Soooo much fangirling was had. xD

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loki, love, movies, scottie, hiddles is my spirit animal

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invsagoth November 9 2013, 11:43:51 UTC
Yay! :D I was (and still am!) so excited! :D


icecoldrain November 8 2013, 16:29:02 UTC
I can't see the movie until it comes out on DVD, so I'm going to have to live vicariously through you lol! I'm glad to hear it was good, I've only seen a few previews and it looked like it could go either way :P


invsagoth November 9 2013, 11:47:17 UTC
I absolutely loved it, I hope that you will too!
I'd hate to have to wait for it to come out on dvd! I do that with most movies honestly, but this is obviously special. :3 But living vicariously through me might not be too bad at least, I should have enough excited feels in me to fill a small country at least. xD


icecoldrain November 9 2013, 17:58:42 UTC
I do hate the fact that I can't go to the movies XD I have back problems and the theatre seats just kill me. I wish they still had the handicap seats in the back that were close to a normal chair because I'd still be able to go see movies! So, I must live vicariously through you and the few other people flailing over this movie the way I had to live through everyone for Pacific Rim until I could see it lol.

Also, the Tom Hiddleston dancing gifs can legit be used for everything!


invsagoth November 25 2013, 00:23:26 UTC
Oh no!
Scottie has similar problems with theater seats, so it was extremely wonderful of him to sit through all of those movies with me! Luckily there was a bit of intermission between the movies so he could get up and stretch.
I wish that they still had those seats for you too!

Tom Hiddleston dancing gifs can be used for everything! They make me happy. :D

... )


unnecessary_ November 13 2013, 23:32:54 UTC
I am so excited to see it again. The first watch is a lot of flailing and asking questions. The second watch is going to be calmer and will seep in better. ;)


invsagoth November 25 2013, 00:17:37 UTC
It certainly is a lot of flailing! I'll be able to appreciate some of the other bits of the movie more too now that I know what happens, because I won't be like "Yes yes stuff with other characters that's nice now can we get back to what's happening with Loki?" xD


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