Nov 07, 2013 00:07

Do you know what tomorrow is?



And I'm not just going to see the new movie! I'm going to the marathon of course! IT'S GOING TO BE SO AMAZING I'M GOING TO DIE BUT IN THE BEST WAY.

I actually smooshed my schedule around so that I could go to the marathon, it starts at 3 and I'm normally still at work then. I almost took the day off (THIS IS A BIG DEAL FOR ME ALRIGHT??) but I decided to not. Of course, this week I started getting hassled about taking time off because apparently my union says we need to take 5 days off a year (I accrue leave but I only use it to cash out to supplement my not terribly substantial income) and I've only taken 2 days off so far this year because I was sick last December. I could have taken the day off and dealt with at least some of that.
I haven't been this excited to see a movie since Return of the King! I watched the extended editions of Fellowship and Two Towers before heading out to the opening. xD There have been movies I've been excited about, but this would be the last time I was this excited.
This is like, Christmas for me! (erm, at least Christmas feels that I should have lol)

I'm going to see Thor, then The Avengers, and then Thor The Dark World at it's first showing!
They're all going to be in 3D, which will be interesting because I haven't seen either of the other two in 3D before! I'm going to take premptive pain meds to make sure I don't get a headache. n_n'
Because of the truck repairs, it looked like I was going solo because we could swing one set of tickets but not for both of us. Scottie surprised me yesterday though and told me that we were able to get two sets of tickets after all! He was going to surprise me at the theatre but he couldn't keep it in that long. Because he knew it would make me happy and he gets squees, and it seems silly to wait. xD

He said that while he's excited to see the movie, he's more excited about being around me while I'm exploding with excited feels. xD

Scottie has also been working on a little something for me! You can't see it very well in this picture, but he did a viking knit band out of brass wire, and he has brass pieces that I put together in Inkscape based on kid Loki's circlet. He's so amazing! <3

Now time for bed so I can be awake for work and then like 8 hours of amazingness!

love, scottie, loki is my spirit animal, jewelry, dolls, loki, movies, hiddles is my spirit animal, crafting, monster high

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