Venus in the garden photoshoot, now with plants!

Aug 26, 2013 00:30

Do you remember earlier in the summer when I posted Venus in our pallet garden? It's here if you want to look at it:

We've been eating really nice salad greens out of it, and the herbs are now about ready to harvest! The two big plants in the back are tomato plants, they haven't borne any fruit though. They're really big! It's gotten really cold and rainy the last couple of weeks (it's felt more like September than August, dratted Alaskan weather) so I doubt they're going to be able to do anything this year. I'm hoping to pot them and keep them inside.
But since we're getting to harvest time for herbs and our other plants are reaching end of life, I wanted to do a little photoshoot with Venus first! The lighting wasn't fantastic, but I'll take any sun I can get!

She's so proud

All the plants!

Posing with the tomato plant

In other news, after the fire scare last night I wasn't able to get to sleep until probably 5 am. Then of course I woke up early instead of being able to sleep in, so I haven't felt terribly productive or functional all day. I even tried to nap twice (and I don't nap). I'm so sleepy but my brain will not cooperate (thanks brain).

But heading to bed now and hopefully brain will let me sleep.

photoshoot, dolls, hiddles is my spirit animal, gardening, life, monster high

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