Updates on my tiny plushies project! Also, winter doesn't want to seem to want to leave.

May 16, 2013 20:25

Yay livejournal is working again!

Most of it has been working the last couple of days for me because I wasn't on an affected cluster, but not everything was working of course. I didn't want to spend time making a post if something else happened and the post got eaten, ya'know?

I took some pictures with some of the little stuffed dogs I made posing with Frankie, I'll probably post those tomorrow. I've also been working on another puppy! It's made out of pure fabric this time instead of felt. I really like how much easier it is to sew, though with felt I can skip the sewing altogether and just felt it together. Options are nice. hehe

I'm having fun with this little project. I told Scottie that I was going to start making some puppies colour coordinated with the Monster High dolls. xD I was also thinking about making some mini plushes of the ghoul's pets. I actually have very few Signature dolls so I have very few pets! I have Spectra, Howleen, Frankie, and Rochelle's pets. I thought it would be cute to have some pet stand ins. lol

I've also been thinking about felting some animals out of wool.

I sort of feel like I'm posting without a really clear reason just because lj is working again and I haven't been able to post about all the stuff I've been doing! lol

Spring finally arrived last week, we had some rain that melted a lot of the snow. It started getting nicer... but the last couple of days have been cold and overcast. It's 40 F today, overcast and drizzling rain. It feel like Pilot! It's also supposed to snow tomorrow. I'm sure if it does it won't stick around for long, but geez winter give it up already! Dx

weather, felting, alaska, plushies, crafts

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