Sculpting challenge: Day 115! Plus a little bit about anime and Sunday gaming. :3

Mar 12, 2013 00:29

Not a lot of time to post tonight as it's getting really late, but I continued with my sculpting challenge tonight! I did a loooot of smoothing on the bodies and a bit of work on the faces. Since I'm planning on baking the bodies now before attaching the limbs it's important that I get them the way I want them. Still need to sculpt and attach ears, hopefully I'll do that tomorrow! I'm happy with how they're coming along. :)

This weekend I hadn't finished all of the prep I wanted for Sunday because I started reading the second book in the Pathfinder path since we just finished the first! Since I wasn't feeling well I wasn't really getting very far in the prep, and we decided that since we needed to level and everything it might be nice to just have a break weekend, and we'll continue to actually play next weekend. We played some Three Dragon Ante though just to have a bit of gaming on Sunday. xD We often play that game in character so it seemed like a good thing to do. hehe

We also just finished watching Angel Beats! It was an interesting anime. The end made me a bit leaky but I think it ended well. I enjoyed it. :3

art, games, pictures, scottie, anime, sculpting challenge, sculpting

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