An ode to my cutie!

Feb 09, 2013 02:52

So Scottie has a request on his userlookup here for me to write a bio for him. I've been meaning to write it but I kept forgetting to do it. Hope it's not to sappy, but here's what I wrote for him. I wonder if this also counts as sappy Valentines stuff? I just realised how close it is to Vday. lol

Scottie is the most amazing man in the world!

Scottie is a creator of things. He makes jewelry, leather journals, drawings, stories and more. He knits and crochets beautiful things. He always wants to learn to make new things. He always has amazing ideas and inspirations!

He loves music. He has a musical background and was a band geek. :3 He can play the saxaphone, and is learning to play the guitar and piano. He can read sheet music and is teaching me how to read it. He sings to me, and it is awesome.

He is very kind! He wants to help everyone. Even if it doesn't seem like a big thing to him to help our disabled neighbor bring her groceries up to her apartment, or to run to help someone push their car out of an icy patch, or to continually give blood at the Red Cross, it really is!

He loves to read and blazes through piles of books!

He's a giant geek, which I love! He loves open source things and prefers Linux over anything else. He programs things for fun.

He enjoys gaming of all kinds! He likes to play or run DnD, Pathfinder, and other adventures. He enjoys playing board games, card games, and video games!

He knows how to swing dance and is very good! :D He likes to run.

Also, he's totally hawt. ;D

In related news, he's now journaling our Pathfinder adventure at his journal! (tanvan if you'd like to look). He's writing it from the perspective of his character. :3

pathfinder, games, love, scottie, role playing

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