Ryerson Administration from Hell Day

Aug 30, 2006 00:03

So today (yesterday now) Gar and I ran around the ENTIRE campus trying to fix his schedule, getting his courses substituted and transferred. It took us 5 hours today to get EVERYTHING done. Man, picking up my OSAP was a pile of crap too. They put me in the 80% course load pile cause they thought I wasn't signed up to 100% of my course load.

Me: Why am I in a different pile?
Woman: Cause you only had an 80% course load when you applied for the loan. A full course load is 5 units.
Me: But.. my ONE course alone is worth 4 units..
Woman: *ignores what I say*
Me: T_T...

So THAT was retarded. Thanks government for messing THAT up. Am I gonna have that problem EVERY year now? Friggen why do they only count the number of courses signed up for and not the weighting behind it? Retards.

Admissions was of no surprise ABSOLUTELY USELESS. They didn't have answers to ANYTHING. In fact, the Indian man who was trying to be all tough last time was being a jerk AGAIN. I swear admissions is the dumbest department EVER. They don't do ANYTHING but help take your money faster. We ended up filling out transfer credit sheets when we didn't even have to. AND they were telling us to bring the sheets back to them even though on the back, the instructions were to bring it to Academic Advising. S-T-U-P-I-D F-U-C-K-E-R.

Gar and I ran to THREE business buildings only to get sent back to the first one. Who knew the dilapidated hell-hole of the 7th floor of the original Business building actually had live people inhabiting the very back of that floor. You would think the floor was empty with half the lights off, paint chipping off, all the pictures pulled down, and 90% of the doors closed. Gar and I both agreed, it was very Resident Evil-ish the way things were looking there. I only wish I had a camera to prove our point! Even the elevator was creepy man.. Gary was hoping for a shotgun, I was hoping for a magnum.


Ryerson also put a late fee on my spring/summer semester. I wasn't even taking anything this summer! I went to the Cashier's office and asked them about this and apparently they fudged up so she erased it for me. Thank god (even though it was only $50). I don't wanna pay any more to this damn school.

Getting my wisdom teeth removed later today! Yay! I hope the swelling goes down fast. Looks like I'll be busy every day till school starts! Everyone's crammin in last minute plans with me all of a sudden o_O.

Well, that sums up my boring busy day running around Ryerson. It was more frustrating than anything getting the damn run around. Worst. Administration. EVER. Makes me really miss Laurier now..
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