Your not a fuck up and everybody makes mistakes. we've hit a few snags on the way and we just have to get past it. you don't know what your doing with your life right now and you don't have any direction really and don't know which way to go. once you figure out what you want to do and where you want to go with your life you'll have a reason to get up and do things again. living at home is just making you feel bad about these things and family always fosters negative feelings and makes you feel inadequate about yourself.
You say that you are creating stress but living at home, working, thinking about a new job, thinking about moving and deciding what you're long term plans are is very stressful. the point is not to let it over whelm you. You can still feel, you're just not letting yourself because its all to much to handle. All the stress and worry is making you stay up all night and when you are living off your parents at home you are not really living for yourself.
Once your out on your own in your own place you will feel like you have a purpose when you go to work because you are supporting yourself. Once you are on your own again you will also regain your sense of control over your own life.
Get out of bed, go to work, make plans, but don't stress out too much. just give it more time and your life will start to get back in order.
You say that you are creating stress but living at home, working, thinking about a new job, thinking about moving and deciding what you're long term plans are is very stressful. the point is not to let it over whelm you. You can still feel, you're just not letting yourself because its all to much to handle. All the stress and worry is making you stay up all night and when you are living off your parents at home you are not really living for yourself.
Once your out on your own in your own place you will feel like you have a purpose when you go to work because you are supporting yourself. Once you are on your own again you will also regain your sense of control over your own life.
Get out of bed, go to work, make plans, but don't stress out too much. just give it more time and your life will start to get back in order.
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