Jun 30, 2009 23:25
Well, not so much with the standing, having stitches very close to my groin prohibits upward mobility. Me+bloodthinners+sharpcleaver=bad!
I'm okay, it was really scary, but I got to see the hot pharmacist again (oh, I didn't mention the hot pharmacist before... he's... dreamy... tall, dark, handsome, brilliant blue eyes... dreamy). I had my mom stay over to take care of me last night, but I kicked her out this evening so I could have some privacy and not have the scent of marijuana around me constantly, she smoked outside, as I do, but it clinges just as bad as tobacco.
do not nick your femoral artery, I've been informed that I shouldn't do it, and that I'm awfully rotten for doing so. yeah, scary, ambulance was only a few minutes tho, and I was already doing the pressure point, I was amazed at how calm I was, not even shocky calm, just taking it in stride as yet another calamity that I would get through.
So, eating homemade frozen yogurt that my Mormor (gma) made for me and chilling out with Pavel watching movies and surfing the internet.
I get a visitor in August! Yay! Jeremy's coming to see me! I have to store up lots of energy for his arrival, as we'll be doing vancouver and victoria while he's here, including a night of dancing in Van! Woot! Hopefully Eman's coming out later in august, which would be awfully cool too.
I miss you all terribly, and wish I could show you all of this great stuff, I will post pictures as soon as I find the doohicky that attaches to the phone and puter is found! I promise!
Umm... what else.... umm... I have more shoes... my shoe collection is getting insane again, as is my boot collection.
I'm spending two full days a week, plus one afternoon a week at the Recomsume Center, seriously, this place is awesome! I'll do a post about it, I think a few of you will really dig it.
Okay, signing off for now, I'll try to post more when I remember and can focus, love you guys! Happy Smurfday Rory!