No day but today.

Feb 17, 2006 08:10

Past two days I've been kind of in a funky mood. Not positive why and even though it's miserable out, today is going to be a good day. And to add to the good mood that I have for no apparent reason, it's FRIDAY and I have off Monday! *jumps around*

Autosaved draft at 8:16:12 AM
What is that? ^^ Did I miss that memo or have I just never noticed it before? Does that mean if livejournal screws up I won't lose all that I typed? Where did it save to? I'll have to investigate.

I watched Saw 2 the other day. I love the endings of those movies. Movie endings are usually crappy but with those there's always a little twist that is like "Whoa! wtf?" I like it. And I didn't have nightmares. Hooorayy!

John has awesome flipflops. Yesterday he came over to me, took his flipflop off and showed me the bottom. At first I'm like "Ok, what is he doing?" then I looked has a BOTTLE OPENER on the bottom of the flipflop! How awesome is that. He said he didn't even know until after he bought them.

His are black though.

Also, about the car insurance. I can either go with Progressive ($270) or the guy Dave told me to call. He's a hard guy to get ahold of but he did good. He found one for $220 and if me and my mom are on one together it'd be $200. Not sure if I want to do that though. If he ever faxes the stuff then I'll go with him.

And now I'm on a quest for health insurance. If anyone has any tips, or anywhere to look for affordable health insurance let me know?

Well I'm gonna go work on more 24x36 posters.
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