Oct 21, 2004 09:18
Ok so the show last night....so incredibly fun.
I got to hang out with vinny hayley and some other kids..i got to see everytime i die for the 5th time and they never cease to amaze me. they, as matt puts it, are the closest things to rock stars in hardcore....they are just so sex. ugh.
i got my haircut and it looks pretty sassy.
i am going to get a bagel with my sister adn mom in t-minus 42 minutes.
Ok just a little rant coming at you. i am thouroughly convinced that my generation knows nothing they should know to vote. MTV telling everyone to vote and voice their opinion is bullshit. i do not want uninformed 19-year-olds voting. period. and i am sooo sick of this division. Ok if you want to vote for kerry good for you...but do not decided friendships over it. "you aren't voting for kerry? we are so not friends...how can you be so stupid and blind?" are we that petty that this very important and personal decision is so detrimental to who some one is as a person. anyone can vote for whoever they want or not vote at all. stop being such nazis. oh and on that note.....yesterday i heard this: "the liberals will vote for whoever they put in front of them....he could be the next fucking hitler and they would vote for him to spite bush." i think that is so true.
Voting is personal and if someone does not want to engage in a debate for who they think should be president they have no obligation to whatsoever.
i love how it is supposed to be just a give in that our generation is the Kerry genertion. i am definately not voting for Kerry. i am sorry but i do not want things to regress 10 years. progress is crucial to the evolution of the state.
ok i think you guys have heard enough from me....i am sure some enemies are a-brewin'
Love you guys!