Life as of lately...

Jan 18, 2006 22:44

Well school has started back up and its going ok. so far that is. nothin special about the classes just gen ed i prefer to get out of the way. I've come to a decision that i am moving back home. It seems like my best option. I know its what best for me as a person. I will miss school a little , only b/c i beleive its routine and easy that way. I wont miss work I know that for sure. And most I will miss the new people I have met up here. Those I have gotten close to and those I can always seem to party with and have a good time. I'll either be leaving in MAy or in July when my lease is up. For the time I have left here I hope to have good times continue until I leave. And then good times when i come back to visit. I want to do more with myself as a person and I just dont feel that opportunity in Orlando. I deserve to be better to myself than I'm being. I dont like the room for mistakes here. I feel like their are way to many opportunities for mistakes , and i know i could myself change that but why not go somewhere where i feel i will have more control over that. So thats what i've decided to do.
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