Title: Moss on Stone
Chapter: 01/05
tingedwordsGenre: Angst/Light romance
Rating: R
Warnings: Implied malexmale sex, suicide attempt, terminal illness, violence, character death
Pairings: Kenzo/Hiroto, Tora/Hirot, Aki/Kenzo
Disclaimer: Don’t own, don’t know. Won’t make money unless you feel like paying me to read.
Summary: A few days later
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Comments 24
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I'm glad you don't think Hiroto's crazy though, cause I don't either. He's just....well he dares to act a little crazy, break the norm, be out of the ordinary, and I kinda like that. And Kenzo... I'm mean to him, I'm very, very mean to him. *sigh*
YOUR BRAIN CAN SOON GO HOME! Hopefully it'll remember to bring you along, or it'll be very troublesome indeed...
Well I'm interested to see how things play out, what caused what and who really was at fault if at all.... HMMMM WHY ARE THEY ALL DEAD?! *wails* I'll wait for the next one because right now I've procrastinated on sleeping of all things....... and I haven't written at all like I should have LOL
And I do that all the time!! Procrastinate sleeping! Or going to sleep at least. It's bad, but....yeah, seriously hard habit to change!
I like this very much. Next chapter please : )
Next chapter will be up in a few days or so I'd say. :)
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I agree though, it's kind of hard to not judge him sometimes... He's just....stupid sometimes.
AND I STILL LOVE THAT BLOODY ICON! God, it's killing me!! <3
anyway topic aside this is beautifully written. Especially the dialogs, they seem so natural. And I love that there's a reaction in all the right places following some statements.
I don't know what else to say, sorry, my feelings are confused(
And thank you! That's just....so kind of you. I don't even know if it's right to say this is dialogue based or not, I never was very good at that kind of analysis, but I do believe the dialogue is very important in this story. They are strangers to each other, so they need to talk and share and get to know. Even when it's immensely difficult to do so.
Thank you so much for giving this a shot. And even more so for sharing your thoughts on it! I hope you stick along for the rest of the ride, but I won't blame you if you don't.
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