Title: War and Peace and Vampires
Chapter: 03/??
tingedwordsGenre: AU/Angst/Romance
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Malexmale sex, Blood, violence
Pairings: Tora/Hiroto, Aki/Kenzo
Disclaimer: Don’t own, don’t know. Won’t make money unless you feel like paying me to read.
Summary: There was nothing indicating that Hiroto had woken up, meaning his
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Kenzo has quite a bit of pride after all and as good a kisser as Tora might be, and however hot he is (which he obviously is), Zo won't play replacement. He might have, during different circumstances, but not when both of them so obviously want other people. Still, he cannot shut up, never!
Kai is scary! Seriously, I don't know how I'll be able to write him properly because he is gruesome! And don't ask me why I took the overly cute mother hen man with dimples and made him a sociopath, please! I have no idea why him other than.....I like the way he looks in my head, haha.
And Shou is going to be problematic too, I haven't quite figured Shou out yet I don't think. He had no background story in my head whatsoever, which poses a major problem. I know what he is like, sort of, but I don't know why! He is immature though, and a lot less responsible than Tora. But don't tell him that or he'll get angry.
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