Nov 23, 2004 19:33
1. I talk too much
2. I don't write enough
3. What I do write is generally terrible
4. I always say the wrong thing at the wrong time
5. Except when it really, really, really matters
6. I care about people a lot
7. It was easier being selfish
8. I'm too critical of myself and others
9. No one understands my jokes
10.I really like people in general much more than I'd like to
11.Being Jealous is miserable
12.I've heard every song currently on the radio at least 6 times
13.I complain too much. Let's have some positive discoveries.
1. If you smile at someone, they will generally smile back
2. If you run into something, laugh
3. If you don't talk about blemishes (or goggle hickeys) no one will notice them
4. Robbie is only 5% alien
5. If you laugh a lot, you won't cry as much (this is also scientifically valid, see me and I'll tell you all about it)
6. Monkeys came from outerspace (not scientifically valid, but ask Eric)
7. If you give people a chance, they might surprise you
8. Not all surprises are bad
9. Blond is not a hair color. It is a state of being (I <3 You Erin)
10.Lily is endlessly amusing when tired
11.Same for Sara when her blood sugar is up
That about sums it up for the year so far. But it other news:
I think I'm really jealous of Eric and a bunch of other talented people. I know that jealousy can only harm me, but honestly, he's sixteen and he's already found something he's astoundingly good at.
Note: The inividual that I happen to like as more than a friend is to remain nameless in this blog. C'mon, guys, that stuff changes all the time and, plus, this is about writing (which, yes, is personal, but not that kind of personal). Thank you for you cooperation in this matter.