May 05, 2009 21:59
this is really what i think about these few people. you may be on this list. if you guess which one you are i will tell you but im not putting names down........besides most of these people wont ever read this.....
1. you are the light of my life. even though you cant even read yet. even thinking about you warms my spirit
the first time i held you i thought my heart would burst with happiness. dont ever ever think that you werent
good enough for her because thats not the case. she wasnt a good enough mother for you. i have wanted
you since i met you, so dont ever feel unwanted or unloved. ever.
2. you are truly my other half. my twin. my sister. my secret keeper. my friend. you keep me accountable for
everthing i do. but also tell me it's not always my fault, and i need to stop blaming myself. your parents are
my favorite, your brother cracks me up. i dont know what i ever did with out you. i can see now that this is only
the begining of a great friendship. you know everything about me and i trust you so much.
3.If anyone were to ask me in jr.high if i would ever talk to out as much as i do now i would call them crazy.
i have known you for a very long time, but i have never talked to you as often as i do now. i really consider you
one of my best friends. you listen to me whine alot. if i were you i would have already told me to shut up and
suck it up by now. i love you so much. your mom too. your truly great people, you remind me that god will
show me what to do eventualy and right now i just need to be patiant.
4. I'm addicted to you. your like some crazy drug i cant get enough of. i need to find my own special rehab
from you. you have more power over my emotions than i do. and thats totaly not fair.
5.Never in amillion years would i think i would be good friends with you. but here we are. texting and talking on
the internet all the time. i love getting new friends. its an adventure within itself.your a great girl. you have been through
some tough stuff, and your still a good person. thats shows a lot of charater.i fyou ever need me, im just a phone call away.
what i really think,