Apr 05, 2006 15:23

okay so i find out today with april brittany rebekah and jackie in the bathroom and krystal that i have made it to bathroom stall status. which is weird because i've been so nice lately. oh but it was cute because michelle rogers thanked me for her sorry card and it made me smile for the rest of the day ♥ i love the appreciation and knowing that i have regained a friend. but um bathroom stall rumors. that's pathetic. so i feel like clearing them up because if someone's writing it.. you can bet someone's spreading it through their mouth. and i'd rather be talked shit about for something I AM other than what i'm not. it said on the stall "NIKKY RANEY IS A LOOSE WHORE AGREE OR DISAGREE?" two people wrote AGREE. and then under that someone wrote "SHE HAD SOME SURGERY BECAUSE SHE WAS TOO TIGHT SO SHE'S JUST A WHORE"... um. well if we have to go all technical.

you can call me gross for this
and talk shit about me for saying it
but it's better than rumors about me that aren't true

when i was in 6th grade my doctor told me that i had a problem and all the "contents" of my period couldn't... come out.. because my "i was too tight".. so i had a.. HYMENOLOGY. which is a surgery through your stomach/belly button [i have the scar].. so yeah. and then the problem kept happening so.. that's why i had to wear tampons.. and i had to get .. um.. surgery again so the tampons would um.. fit.. this is awkward. and yeah . um every boyfriend i've had makes fun of me for being TOO tight. and so. yeah. i'm done.

and if being a whore means not wearing thongs because they gimme a wedgie. not wearing low cut shirts because they bother me. and having sex with my boyfriend of 10 months. then okay. i'm a slut.

♥ iloveyoupaul
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