Mar 31, 2011 07:22
It's interesting how a place can offer completely different experiences to everyone who visits them. With New York City, I've been with both of my sisters, and the first time with my youngest sister, she loved it, New York was amazing to her. I followed up and went with my other sister a year or so later, and she despised New York, and would be fine with never going back.
Then, let's take London. I've always sort of looked at the UK as, 'if I wasn't born in Canada... I'd like to be in the UK'
So, a few years back my friend Jen found love with a guy in London, and he had the better paying job, so they got married and she moved there. Present day, she hates London and it's almost like she was thrown into a nightmare world. She's sort of painted my side dream in all greys... But then, a good friend from college moved to London on an art intern, and she's sort of recolourized the picture for me, but the different views make for interesting perspectives.
This also has me look at the globe, and wonder where I'd have to be thrown to be in the perspective where I might be as unhappy... Though in the same boat, I'm also quite content not knowing!